What We Do at North Church Youth
The Regular Scheduled Programming...

Every Sunday morning between our 8:30am & 11am services, we meet for Sunday School. Senior High (9-12th) meets in the Youth Room (008 Downstairs), and Junior High/Confirmation meet in Room 207 upstairs. This is an hour-long time together where we dive in to deeper discussion about life, spirituality, and everything in between.
Each week, we like to provide breakfast for the youth group, when possible. If you're interested in helping to provide breakfast one week, you can sign-up by clicking here!
This is a time open to all students in grades 6-12. During this time, we may share some food, play games, do service work, have a worship service, or occasionally go on a trip together. Each week may look a little different, but the one thing that stays the same will be the awesome community of which you can be a part! Our weekly Sunday afternoon meeting is on break until Labor Day, but usually runs from 1-3pm each week.

Upcoming Events
- Sun, Dec 10Indianapolis
- Sun, Nov 05Indianapolis
- Fri, Oct 20Pine Village
- Sun, Oct 01Indianapolis
- Sun, Sep 24Indianapolis
- Sat, Aug 19Noblesville
- Sun, Jul 30Indianapolis
- Sun, Jul 09Pine Village
- Sat, Jun 17Lake Charles
- Sat, Jun 10Indianapolis
- Tue, Jun 06Mason
- Sun, May 07Indianapolis
- Sun, Apr 16Indianapolis
- Sun, Apr 02Indianapolis
- Fri, Mar 03Noblesville

What's Happening
North Church Indy Youth Ministry would love for you to be a part of our community! We are an open, inclusive, affirming youth ministry, acknowledging the spark of the Divine in every student. So, if you are a student in grades 6-12, you are welcome to be a part of North Church Indy Youth! Check out the Calendar of Events below, and please contact us if you have any questions!